Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Snaps of DHINESH!!!

Basically,this is the first post about we decided to add nice snaps of him. Since he likes kids alot,we have added some pictures taken with kiddy fanz...


InSaNe.. said...

hIz SiNgInG iZ AwEsOmE..
HiZ vOiCe Iz 'PoWeR-pAcKeD'..
hE iZ iMpRoViNg In HiZ sTaGe PeRFoRmAnCe wIc Iz SoOo CoOl..
hE lOoKz CuTe..
InFaCt,He'Z sImPlY De 'AlL-rOuNdEr'..
LuB hIm..
mY sUppOrT n SmS vOtEz R aLwAyZ 4 HiM..
Go On DhInEsH..
Go N cLeNcH dE "vAsANtHAm StAr" TiTlE..

shandy said...

Im Loving the first picture..
Cheers Shan